Flying out of North Eleuthera to the Islands


Book Bahama Hoppers as your private charter when you want to get to the other islands. Below you can find the rates when you are flying out of North Eleuthera’s White Crown Aviation to the other locations.

Let Us Help You Experience the Islands

Let our team of pilots show you around the islands as they have over 40 years of combined experience and they know how to make your flights to and from the Islands enjoyable.

We fly to these locations, Which would you like to visit?

Pick the location you wouldlike to see the rates for:


** All Flight Prices are One-Way **


City Airport Miles Time Prices
Marsh Harbour MYAM 66 :33 $1,275
Moores Island MYAO 70 :35 $1,525
Sandy Point MYAS 50 :25 $1,200
Spanish Cay MYAX 99 :50 $2,050
Treasure Cay MYAT 85 :43 $1,625
Walkers Cay MYAW 142 01:11 $2,825


City Airport Miles Time Prices
Spring Point MYAP 235 01:58 $3,850


City Airport Miles Time Prices
Andros Town MYAF 76 :38 $1,525
Congo Town MYAK 93 :47 $1,800
Mangrove Cay MYAB 89 :45 $1,750
San Andros MYAN 78 :39 $1,550

Berry Islands

City Airport Miles Time Prices
Chub Cay MYBC 65 :33 $1,375
Great Harbour Cay MYBG 65 :33 $1,375
Little Whale Cay MYBX 60 :30 $1,250
Big Whale Cay MYBW 60 :30 $1,250


City Airport Miles Time Prices
South Bimini MYBS 140 01:10 $2,800

Cat Island

City Airport Miles Time Prices
Aurthur’s Town MYCA 75 :38 $1,500
Hawk’s Nest MYCH 102 :51 $1,950
New Bight MYCB 96 :48 $1,850

Crooked Island

City Airport Miles Time Prices
Colonel Hill MYCI 215 01:48 $3,525
Pitts Town Point MYCP 204 01:42 $3,375


City Airport Miles Time Prices
Governor’s Harbour MYEM 22 :11 $650
Rock Sound MYER 45 :23 $1,200



City Airport Miles Time Prices
Exuma International MYEF 123 01:02 $2,450
Black Point MYEB 88 :44 $1,725
Hog Cay MYEY 142 01:11 $2,625
Lee Stocking MYEL 112 :56 $2,125
Norman’s Cay MYEN 53 :27 $1,500
Rudder Cut Cay 101 :51 $2,075
Staniel Cay MYES 79 :40 $1,650
Farmer’s Cay 95 :48 $1,850
Cave Cay $2,075 + Landing Fee

Grand Bahama

City Airport Miles Time Prices
Freeport MYGF 125 01:03 $2,350
West End MYGW 143 01:12 2,650 + Landing Fees
Deep Water Cay 96 00:50 $1,950


City Airport Miles Time Prices
Mathew Town MYIG 317 02:39 $5,100

Long Island

City Airport Miles Time Prices
Deadman’s Cay MYLD 163 01:22 $3,000
Stella Maris MYLS 138 01:09 $2,550


City Airport Miles Time Prices
Mayaguana MYMM 273 02:17 $4,425

Nassau/New Providence

City Airport Miles Time Prices
Nassau MYNN 50 :25 $1,200

Ragged Island

City Airport Miles Time Prices
Duncan Town MYRD 236 1:58 $3,825

Rum Cay

City Airport Miles Time Prices
Port Nelson MYRP 148 01:14 $2,500

San Salvador

City Airport Mileage Time Prices
Cockburn Town MYSM 145 01:13 $2,550

Turks & Caicos

City Airport Miles Time Prices
Providenciales MBPV 329 02:45 $5,250
North Caicos MBNC 337 02:49 $5,350
South Caicos MBSC 370 03:05 $5,775
Grand Turk MBGT 389 03:15 $6,150